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Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the President of Taiwan Association for Lactic Acid Bacteria, we would like to extend our warmest welcome to all colleagues participating in the International Conference on Beneficial Microbes-2020 (ICOBM-2020) held in Taipei, Taiwan from May 26-28,2020.

Prof Chen.png

ICOBM -2020 includes three major area: Food Microbiology, Science & Technology; Nutraceutical & Medical; and Agriculture & Animal Health. We are prepared to offer an excellent scientific program over three days and ready to provide the advanced concept of current and future prospection in the field of microbes. ICOBM -2020 builds a platform of exchanging and communication for all the attendees.


Taiwan has been known as “Formosa” a beautiful island. The people here are well known for their hospitality. The scenery is spectacular and cuisines are exquisite for your enjoyment. Taking this wonderful opportunity of a world union, we cordially invite you to experience a unique fusion of Taiwanese lifestyles and cuisine in this diversity and energetic city. Once again, we welcome all of you from the deepest of our hearts and with the sincerest attitude to ICOBM-2020 in Taipei, Taiwan.

Best Regards,




National Taiwan University, Taiwan

President, Taiwan Association for Lactic Acid Bacteria


Dear Delegates,

Let me begin by saying a huge welcome to all of our upcoming distinguished speakers, industrial members, and participants from various countries, in coming together to be a part of our event. ​With the success from previous ICOBMs, I am honored to chair this event again in the beautiful city of Taipei, Taiwan.  


We have several major tracks that cover the most important aspects in the areas of beneficial microorganisms, namely Food Microbiology, Science & Technology, Nutrition and Nutraceuticals, Medical & Health, and Agriculture & Animal Health. Many distinguished speakers, all well repute in their respective research areas, will be delivering very interesting current perspectives in these tracks, and I believe their talks will benefit us all. It is my dream, that we foster much knowledge and idea exchanges during this event.

I would also like to highlight that this event gives huge emphases on the development of budding and talented young scientists, in hope that we can create new opportunities for better solutions to both national and international challenges. It is also important to appreciate young scientists for their contributions in science and creativity towards the generation of new ideas. To achieve these, we have created several Young Scientist Awards.

I would like to proudly welcome our industrial sponsoring partners, and to thank them for their continuous supports in our event. Some of our partners are also presenting their most current insights, from the views of the industries. I would like to highlight that our event also gives emphasis to the roles of the industries, with strong principles that research and industry are interlinked.

A successful conference is the sum of many important elements. Therefore, in addition to all mentioned above, I believe this conference cannot be a success without the active participation from our participants. I hope all will participate and contribute fruitful discussions and networking during the event. Let’s make this a success together.

A huge WELCOME to all. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Chair ICOBM-2020



Dear Delegates,

Six years ago, together with Prof. Min Tze, with a bold decision, we had our inaugural International Conference on Beneficial Microbes in Penang, Malaysia.  

It was a great success and we delivered our promises. We had our second conference in Phuket, Thailand, third conference in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia and now is our fourth ICOBM, which will be held from 26 to 28 May 2020 in Taiwan. I’m honoured to jointly organized this event this time and I wish you an engaging and productive conference participation!


Co-Chair ICOBM-2020

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Alterquo Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia

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